health insurance
Adding a Baby to Your Health Insurance Plan
Congratulations! If you’re reading this article you may probably have welcomed a cute and charming little addition to the family or are expecting to have one soon. Having a baby can be a very exciting and emotional time for any mom or dad. There are so many things to figure out most especially when it’s […]
Read moreUnderstanding the Importance of Medicaid Insurance
It’s no secret that getting sick does not come cheap. After getting professional care from medical practitioners, a lot of patients end up in a financial strife from their medical bills. This is where health insurance plans come in handy. Regular health insurance companies provide comprehensive plans that help cover medical care costs. That way, […]
Read moreHere’s Everything You Have to Know About Medicare
When people hear the word Medicare, people will automatically think of it as a medical insurance provider for those who are 65 years old and up. While this is true, there are more to Medicare than it’s common identification. Here are the most important things you need to know about this health insurance program. Defining […]
Read moreNavigating Your Medicare Through SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program)
Health insurance is relevant for everyone, especially for seniors who may require advanced and essential healthcare services. There is Medicare with its coverage for hospital stays, preventive services, and prescription drugs. And there’s one program that helps older Americans and other beneficiaries navigate and explore Medicare for better outcomes: SHIP. SHIP or State Health Insurance […]
Read moreWhy Must You Include Health Insurance on Your Priority List?
“Health is Wealth.” This quote is so old but it still holds true to this day. Good health should always be one of our top priorities; even more important than material wealth. Having a healthy life means living a life full of vigor and growth. However, health, like most things in the world, isn’t permanent. […]
Read moreHelpful Tips in Picking the Right Primary Care Doctor for You
In our lifetime, there will be times when our bodies can have too much that we become too weak to function or worse, get very sick. This is where medical professionals come in. Doctors, nurses, and all other medical practitioners are there to provide people with the best medical care whenever it’s needed. However, professional […]
Read moreHealth Is Wealth: Never Skip Your Regular Checkups!
We’ve always been told that prevention is better than cure. As kids, our parents used to make us have regular doctor’s visits for regular checkups or immunization and it has been all in the name of prevention. As grown-ups, our lists of priorities change. Sometimes, we forget that these routine doctor’s visits are still as […]
Read moreHere Are the Basic Health Insurance Terms You Need to Understand
When dealing with health insurance matters, it’s quite easy to get caught up in a lot of jargon. It’s especially true among members or plan holders who are not in the healthcare industry. However, basic knowledge about health insurance terms is important. It is to help you get to know how your insurance policy works […]
Read moreGet Covered! Which Health Insurance Plan Is Perfect for You?
Choosing the right health insurance plan can be quite daunting for some, especially when it’s their first time to get a health care coverage. When you decide which coverage is best for you, you’ll definitely face different health insurance terms that you don’t encounter every day. These terms include the different health insurance plans offered […]
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