
health insurance

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Friday FilmStrips: Oral Hygiene and You

We don’t spend a lot of time talking about Dental Insurance here, and we probably should, because new studies have linked bad oral hygiene to everything from the potential for blood clots to early warnings of osteoporosis. If you have a health insurance plan through work, check to see if you also have dental insurance, […]

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Federal Judge Upholds Healthcare Reform in Virginia

Reuters reported yesterday that a Virginia lawsuit challenging the healthcare law known colloquially as “Obamacare” was dismissed by a federal judge. The challenge, one of several such attempts to strike down healthcare reform, was brought by Liberty University (a conservative Christian school) and individuals who claimed that the law is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Normal […]

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Thanksgiving and Nutrition

Okay, look, we all know that health insurance is less expensive for people who need it the least – those of us who are healthy and fit – but does that mean we need to avoid all the fun of holiday eating just to make sure our premiums don’t increase? Not at all. As with […]

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Illinois Seeks Comments on Health Insurance Exchange

The state of Illinois is asking for public comment on an online insurance exchange. They are seeking for comments about the financing, governance, and structure of the exchange, which would make health insurance coverage available to individuals and small businesses. Under the healthcare reform laws passed last March, each state must have exchanges operational by […]

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Friday Filmstrip: Insurance and Prescription Drugs

Okay, you know that some of the most common daytime and late-night television commercials are all about prescription drug plans, but why do you need one if you already have insurance? What about health savings plans – can you buy drugs with them? And how come your insurance copay is $10 for some drugs and […]

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RateWatch: Michigan Judge Halts Blue Cross Rate Increase

A circuit court judge in Ingham County, Michigan has called a stop to Blue Cross Blue Shield’s planned rate increases there. The increases in question would have increased the cost of premiums by up to 66% for some senior citizens. The preliminary injunction, which was filed on Tuesday, requires that a public meeting be held. […]

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Flu Shot FAQ

It’s November, which means red cups at Starbucks, holiday decorations everywhere, and lots of people coming down with the flu. The first two things can be avoided if they don’t suit you, but the flu is pretty much a given…or is it? Newer, better flu shots are available. If you’re considering one, here’s what you […]

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Mid-Term Elections and Health Care

Next Tuesday, November 2nd, is election day, and while many people may think it’s okay to blow off mid-term elections, we here at the Insurance Specialists Blog feel differently. In fact, we’re urging everyone to vote. Why? Because the senators and congresspeople who are voted into office next week could determine the future of health […]

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Discount Health Cards: What You Should Know

If you watch enough afternoon or late-night television, you’ll eventually see ads for discount health cards. While these may seem tempting, especially if you’re waiting for state insurance exchanges to take effect, or you lost your insurance benefits because you lost a job and COBRA benefits have either not yet begun, or already ended, please […]

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