
health insurance

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Underinsured Number has Increased, but Reform is coming

The Christian Science Monitor reports that the number of underinsured Americans increased by over a third between 2003 and 2007, from 15 million to 25 million, and despite the passage of the health care reform bill earlier this year, there may be even more people who have some health insurance, but not enough to cover […]

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Louisiana Officials Concerned About Health of BP Clean-Up Workers

Environmental and health officials in Louisiana are requesting that federal safety officials take steps to protect the health of those who are helping with the clean-up of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Alan Levine, Health and Hospitals Secretary, and Peggy Hatch, Environmental Quality Secretary, say that daily reports of illness and […]

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Texas Uninsured Rate Highest in Nation; Employers Feeling the Financial Pain.

Health Leaders InterStudy, a Nashville, Tenn.-based provider of managed care market intelligence, is reporting that Dallas, Texas area employers are having to pay higher premiums in order to provide health insurance coverage for their employees, because the region has such a high number of uninsured people. The high uninsured rate in the Dallas region, according […]

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Meet the MIB – that’s Medical Insurance Board, not Men in Black

With all the talk of health insurance reform, including much reference to pre-existing conditions, and rules on when coverage may be canceled by an insurer, it’s natural to wonder exactly who is “in charge” of all that information. The answer? The MIB, that stands for Medical Insurance Board, and they’re a membership organization owned by […]

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End of an Era: St. Vincent’s Hospital Closes

For 160 years, St Vincent’s hospital in New York City was a stalwart figure in the world of healthcare. Today, the Greenwich Village hospital closed its doors forever. St. Vincent’s was founded in 1849, and served as the flagship of St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Centers of New York, and recorded $502 million in total revenue […]

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Hospital Cost Shifting Not a New Trend

Recent confirmed reports of an alarming change within the hospital industry, one that has been going on since long before the passage of the healthcare reform bill last month: Because they get lower reimbursements from public health insurance services like Medicaid and Medicare, many hospitals are trying to find new ways of making money, and […]

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Insurers ReClassify Admin Expenses as Medical Expenses to Circumvent New Regs

The deadline for doing so isn’t until the first of next year, but already some of America’s largest health insurance companies are changing their accounting to reclassify administration costs as medical expenses, in order to work around industry reforms mandated by the recently-passed health care overhaul, says news agency Reuters, reporting on a U.S. Senate […]

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Drinkers Exercise More than Non-Drinkers, Study Says

It’s no secret that healthy habits help you save money on health insurance, but did you know that that alcohol consumption is linked to those habits in ways most of us never considered? There have been several clinical studies of the way alcohol consumption affects health, and one of them found that people who regularly […]

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House Approves Companion Bill to Healthcare Overhaul

Days after passing the healthcare overhaul bill that took the better part of a year to hammer out, the United States House of Representatives approved the companion package yesterday. The companion package had already been approved by the House before, but after the vote on the main bill, the Senate parliamentarian ordered two minor provisions […]

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