
health insurance

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California Insurance Commissioner Announces Health Insurance Rate Transparency

You already know that shopping online can save you money on health insurance, but now the state of California has established a system that will alert consumers via email when new health insurance rates are filed in their individual markets. Speaking to the press, California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner said, “We want as many people […]

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Friday Filmstrips: Why We Need Universal Health Care

Three months after the passage of the health care insurance reform plan, people are still complaining that we don’t need universal health care. Some state governments are even suing the feds because they feel universal health care is somehow unconstitutional. Rather than going into a long-winded explanation of why we’re for universal health care, we […]

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Feds Announce Largest Healthcare Fraud Takedown Ever

Anyone who is, or has a parent who is, covered by medicare knows that healthcare fraud is a tangible risk. Some good news, then, on this Monday, is that Attorney General Eric Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced last Friday at a healthcare fraud summit in Miami, that the feds are in the process […]

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Missouri Files Suit Against Federal Health Care Plan

Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder of Missouri filed a lawsuit today to block federally mandated health insurance in his state, claiming that Congress’s health care overhaul has overstepped governmental authority, and infringed upon state sovereignty. Kinder’s suit, filed by himself and three other Missouri residents, asserted that the federal government may not force people to purchase […]

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Health Care Overhaul May Mean Longer Lines at ER

The Associated Press office in Chicago is reporting that healthcare overhaul may mean even longer waiting times in emergency rooms around the country. ERs are often the only choice for patients who don’t have access to walk-in clinics or primary care physicians, but under the new health law, more may be turning to emergent care […]

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Lousiana Leglislature Denies Malpractice Coverage to Doctors Who Perform Abortions

In a positively scary move against women’s right to choose – one that is medically risky – the Louisiana state legislature has decided that doctors who provide elective abortions should not be covered under medical malpractice laws. With a 31-2 vote, the Louisiana Senate passed the bill, which was sponsored by Representative Robert Johnson (D […]

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SFO to Require Cell Phone Radiation Disclosures

Theories about cell phone use being hazardous to our health have been around nearly as long as the phones themselves, but now one city wants to help protect citizens. Specifically, the city of San Francisco, California could soon start requiring retailers to post notices showing how much radiation is emitted by the cell phones they […]

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Underinsured Number has Increased, but Reform is coming

The Christian Science Monitor reports that the number of underinsured Americans increased by over a third between 2003 and 2007, from 15 million to 25 million, and despite the passage of the health care reform bill earlier this year, there may be even more people who have some health insurance, but not enough to cover […]

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Louisiana Officials Concerned About Health of BP Clean-Up Workers

Environmental and health officials in Louisiana are requesting that federal safety officials take steps to protect the health of those who are helping with the clean-up of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Alan Levine, Health and Hospitals Secretary, and Peggy Hatch, Environmental Quality Secretary, say that daily reports of illness and […]

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