advice and how-tos
Friday Filmstrips: Fire Insurance Claim Tips
A house fire is one of the worst things most of us can imagine, but the trauma is even greater if you file a fire insurance claim incorrectly. For this week’s Friday Filmstrip, courtesy of YouTube and the Property Claim Tip guys, we offer a video on fire insurance claims. Enjoy!
Read moreLife Insurance: Can it Be Extended?
Most life insurance agents will tell you that the question their existing customers most often ask if their term policies can be extended. Sadly, there is only one answer to this question: NO. Why? Because the term of a life insurance policy is set at the time of issuance, and there are no extensions after […]
Read moreFriday Filmstrip: Car insurance rates for women
Do women really get special rates on car insurance? Actually, no. For this week’s Friday Filmstrip, here’s a video from Ehow and YouTube explaining which factors really go into rate determination.
Read moreFriday Filmstrips: How to Buy Homeowners Insurance
We can all use a refresher on how to save money when buying homeowners insurance. The editors from Kiplinger and the nice people at YouTube have enabled us to share the following video, that offers some key tips.
Read moreSelf Improvement Can Save Money on Life Insurance
Okay, we all know that insurance underwrites use actuarial tables to asses risk factors and set premiums for each applicant. When it comes to life insurance, the higher your risk of dying early in life, the more expensive your insurance will be. There are two risk factors that you can control, and doing so will […]
Read moreNo Dental Insurance? Consider a Dental School Clinic
Whether or not health insurance reform is ever actually passed, the reality is that there are some kinds of coverage that often fall through the cracks. Smaller businesses may offer health insurance, but not vision or dental coverage, and some communities don’t have a low cost dental insurance option. What do you do, then, if […]
Read morePlanning for Retirement? Pay Attention to Health Care
If you’re planning for retirement pay close attention to your health care options. Why? Because according to financial journal MarketWatch, this is likely to be one of the biggest costs you’ll have to absorb once you leave the workplace, even with the federal Medicare program providing your basic coverage. Why is health care so expensive […]
Read moreFaith Based Insurance? Be Careful
At a time when many eyes and ears are focused on Washington, D.C. and a final (at least for now) verdict on health care reform, hundreds of thousands of evangelical Christians are choosing another alternative. It’s called a faith-based health plan and while it can save you money on major medical expenses, there are a […]
Read moreIn an Accident? What Should You Do?
According to a survey done by a British auto insurance firm, up to 45% of commercial van drivers don’t exchange the required information when they’re in an accident, whether it’s serious or not. Here in the United States, the statistics may not be quite so scary, but a significant number of drivers have found themselves […]
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