
fire insurance

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The Importance of Having Fire Insurance Coverage for Your Home

Standard homeowners insurance typically covers damage to the home’s structure and its contents due to fires. That’s good then because you have fire insurance technically in place. Even with the homeowners policy around, you might still need additional fire insurance coverage. Fires can wreak havoc on anything on their path, home structures, belongings, and lives. […]

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New Fire Safety Rule in Effect in Massachusetts

In an effort to reduce the number of house fires that began as burning mulch, and to avoid a greater number of hazard insurance claims, the state of Massachusetts has enacted a new fire safety rule that went into effect on September 1st. Specifically, Massachusetts homeowners and landscapers are now banned from using wood landscaping […]

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Warm Weather Means MORE Chimney Fires in Vermont.

Vermont is having an unseasonably warm winter, and Fire Chief Doug Winot, of Townshend, says that means an increase in chimney fires. How does one follow the other? Well, according to an interview Winot did with the Brattleboro Reformer when people burn green wood, as opposed to dried firewood, or have a fire that doesn’t […]

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Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. It’s a day filled with food and festive spirits, but it’s also the top day of the year for cooking-related accidents and injuries, and one of the most common causes of them is the turkey fryer. Let’s face it: anything that involves a vat of boiling oil is inherently dangerous. We’re not […]

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Oklahoma at Extreme Risk for Wildfires

Oklahomans had better update their fire insurance policies, if the news from state forester George Geissler is accurate. He says that the heat and drought currently holding the state hostage could create a wildfire crises there for the rest of the summer. He added that both the western rangeland and eastern wooded hills are dangerously […]

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NC Residents Advised to Evacuate

On Friday, North Carolina residents with homes near the Pender and Onslow county line have been advised to participate in a voluntary evacuation to avoid a spreading wildfire, which, as of Thursday, had burned about 20,000 acres. Fire officials said that the wildfire began over the weekend of June 18th, in the Holly Shelter Game […]

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Texas Wildfires Still Burning

From flooding to hailstorms to fire, it seems the central United States can’t catch a break this week. In today’s installment of Environmental Hazards and You, it’s the latter risk that is running rampant, this time in Texas. As is typical in a La Nina year, Texas had an extremely dry winter, and the spring […]

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Spring Fire Season Begins in Virginia

On Tuesday the State of Virginia enacted a ban on the outdoor burning of brush, officially marking the beginning of the spring fire season, which runs through April. According to state law, burning anything withing 300 feet of woodlands, fields, or any other possible fuel source is also prohibited. Violators face a fine of up […]

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New Jersey Charging for Fire/First-Aid Service?

While many private ambulance services ask local residents to pay an annual membership fee in order to defray costs of actually using an ambulance, some residents of New Jersey might soon have to pay if they need the fire department as well. According to Insurance Journal, the Salem, NJ city council has recently adopted an […]

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