health insurance
Washington, Oregon, Others among States with Conditional Exchange Approval
As of last week, six states have been granted preliminary approval for their health insurance exchanges by the Obama Administration. The announcement came on Monday the tenth of December, and the states included were Connecticut, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington. Under the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, all fifty states must establish an […]
Read moreNJ Governor Vetoes Health Exchange
Late last week, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed the legislation that would establish a state-run health insurance exchange, claiming that the federal government didn’t provide the information he needed in order to ensure that the way his state complies with the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is financially sound. Despite this, Governor Christie insists that […]
Read moreColorado Trying to Cut Health Costs
Officials from the state of Colorado say that the Affordable Care Act known colloquially as “Obamacare” has given them the power to block insurance rate hikes. Specifically, the legislation gave Colorado the ability to block rate increase by Cigna, which had asked for a 24% increase.
Read moreVideo: Insurance Plans for Federal Employees
Even federal employees have a variety of health insurance plans to chose from. This video goes over several of them and helps people determine if they have the right health plan. Some of the information is also useful for the general public, such as the difference between PPO, HMO and Fee for Service plans.
Read moreJudge Dismisses Mississippi Health Insurance Challenge
Federal District Judge Keith Starrett has ruled that Mississippi governor Phil Bryant, along with other residents of Mississippi, were “premature” in their legal challenge to the section of the affordable care act that requires people to buy health care insurance. He also said that the governor and another of the members of the group suing […]
Read moreVideo: Affordable Care Act and Women
On Wednesday, August 1st a crucial part of the Affordable Care Act (what is called “Obamacare”), makes well-women visits and contraceptives available without co-payments. There are also other health insurance benefits for women. This video talks about some of them, and tells you where you can find more information.
Read moreMN Governer Continues Working Toward Health Exchange
While many of the (dare we say?) “red” states in the USA are actively working against the new requirements of the Affordable Care Act (aka “ObamaCare”), which the US Supreme Court decided last month WAS constitutional, after all, it’s refreshing to hear about a governor who is embracing the opportunity to improve health care for […]
Read moreSupreme Court Upholds Mandate
Okay, we know this is old news now, but we couldn’t think of anything more fitting for our monthly video than to share President Obama’s response to SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States) ruling that the Affordable Healthcare Reform Act known colloquially as “Obamacare” is constitutional.
Read moreLouisiana Senate Committee Rejects Health Care Exchange Bill
The Louisiana Senate Finance Committee voted recently to reject a state senate bill that would have set up a group of elected and appointed officials to create and oversee their state’s health insurance exchanges, a principal tenet of the affordable health care act championed by President Obama and his administration State Senator Karen Carter Peterson […]
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