
health insurance

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Hospital Prices Rising

Here’s a set of numbers that could eventually affect your health insurance cost: For the second month in a row, the cost of hospital services rose by 0.5% last month, according to newly released data from the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, as compared with July 2010, which saw a 0.3% decline in the prices […]

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Film Strip: Get the Most Out of your Health Plan

Whether your health plan is an individual policy or an employer-sponsored health plan, there are ways you can maximize your health insurance dollars. This video, from StaySmart StayHealthy & YouTube, shows you how:

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Friday Filmstrip: Chiropractors and Insurance

When you need chiropractic care, your insurance company may make you jump through a lot of hoops to get any kind of coverage. This chiropractor from Minnesota explains why asking about insurance shouldn’t be your first question. Enjoy.

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California Assembly Approves Helmet Law…for Skiers.

The California Assembly has passed a bill requiring that snowboarders and skiers under the age of 18 would be required to wear helmets while playing on the slopes. It was approved by a party-line vote of 49-23. Not surprisingly, Republican legislators referred to the bill as the latest example of “nanny state” laws. Supporters of […]

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Friday Filmstrip: Dual Health Insurance

For most people, dual health insurance isn’t something they ever have to think about; for others, it’s a necessity. If you’re in the latter category, this video has some great advice:

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Supreme Court Declines to Hear Military Malpractice Case

On Monday, June 27th, the U.S. Supreme Court declined, without comment, to hear the California case Witt vs. U.S., that many activists thought was the best chance in decades to eliminate malpractice liability shields for military hospitals. The case concerned Dean Patrick Witt, a twenty-five-year-old staff sergeant from the Air Force who died after a […]

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Too Old for Pediatrician?

It’s a question many of us don’t remember asking, but at some point in our lives, often when we’re eighteen and heading off to college, we make the transition from seeing a pediatrician to getting our health care from an adult doctor. As a parent, however, you have to help your teenager make that transition. […]

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Judge Says Indiana CANNOT Defund Planned Parenthood

Last Friday, June 24th, a federal judge ruled that the state of Indiana may not block state and federal public funding of Planned Parenthood only because the medical organization provides abortions. The ruling also granted Planned Parenthood an injunction on the state’s attempt at defunding. The decision, made by U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt, […]

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VA County to Charge for Ambulance Service

In an effort to improve their emergency equipment and provide better training to emergency first responders, Prince William County, Virginia has made the decision to begin charging health insurers for ambulance services. Effective July 1, whenever a patient is transported to the hospital via an emergency medical service, the county will bill the patient’s insurance […]

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