More Health Care Changes
It’s a new year, which means more of the elements of ObamaCare,also known as the Affordable Care Act, are going live. Want to know how your health insurance might change? This month’s video – our first of the year – explains it all:
Read moreVideo: Insurance Plans for Federal Employees
Even federal employees have a variety of health insurance plans to chose from. This video goes over several of them and helps people determine if they have the right health plan. Some of the information is also useful for the general public, such as the difference between PPO, HMO and Fee for Service plans.
Read moreHurricane Sandy Recovery Resources
It’s no secret that Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc up and down the entire East Coast, but New Jersey was the hardest hit state. The video we’re sharing is of President Obama and NJ Governor Chris Christie after their tour of the shore. Below it, please find links to pages with emergency resource information and insurance […]
Read moreVideo: Distracted Walking
Recently we shared a news article about the dangers of Distracted Walking, and how that affects drivers. This week, we’re sharing a video on the same subject. We love our smartphones, but we believe there are times and places when it’s best to unplug, and put the phone away. (Video courtesy of the Associated Press)
Read moreVideo: Flood Insurance PSA
We know! We talked about flood insurance last week, but it’s an important issue, especially with the likelihood of El Nino forming within the next few months and the potential for California and much of the southwest to end up drenched as a result. This FEMA PSA about flood insurance is from 2009, but it’s […]
Read moreVideo: Affordable Care Act and Women
On Wednesday, August 1st a crucial part of the Affordable Care Act (what is called “Obamacare”), makes well-women visits and contraceptives available without co-payments. There are also other health insurance benefits for women. This video talks about some of them, and tells you where you can find more information.
Read moreSupreme Court Upholds Mandate
Okay, we know this is old news now, but we couldn’t think of anything more fitting for our monthly video than to share President Obama’s response to SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States) ruling that the Affordable Healthcare Reform Act known colloquially as “Obamacare” is constitutional.
Read moreVideo: Hail Coverage
It’s springtime, which means not just rain, but hail, for much of the southern and midwestern USA. We all know that hail can damage car windows and roofs, but what about the roof of your home? This video shows you what damage to look for, and when to call your homeowners insurance agent.
Read moreVideo: Lead Paint Clean-Up Tips
Last week, we talked about how towns in Indiana are cleaning up lead paint. While the presence of lead paint won’t really affect your insurance rates, it will affect your health, so here’s a video about where to look for such paint (primarily in homes built before 1978) and what to do about it.
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