Louisiana Senate Committee Rejects Health Care Exchange Bill
The Louisiana Senate Finance Committee voted recently to reject a state senate bill that would have set up a group of elected and appointed officials to create and oversee their state’s health insurance exchanges, a principal tenet of the affordable health care act championed by President Obama and his administration State Senator Karen Carter Peterson […]
Read moreAllstate Requests Rate Hike on Louisiana Homeowners Policies
Allstate Corp., the second-largest home insurer in Louisiana, has asked for an insurance rate increase for 144,000 homeowners who get their coverage from two of the corporations local subsidiaries. According to the Louisiana state insurance department, Allstate wants an average increase of 5.9 percent for 73,000 homeowners with policies from Allstate Indemnity Co, and an […]
Read moreNews Brief: LA Parish Gets Flood Insurance Break
It’s often said that improving property can help save money on insurance, but it’s rare that doing so saves money for an entire neighborhood, and yet, in a sense, that’s exactly what’s happening in Louisiana. Residents of an unincorporated part of the state, St. Tammany Parish, are going to receive a decrease of $1.9 million […]
Read moreLouisiana Says No to Insurance Exchanges
Governor Bobby Jindal and the state legislature in Louisiana have decided to opt out of the creation of a state insurance exchange as outlined in the federal health insurance overhaul, choosing to let the federal government administer the program. Bruce Greenstein, Secretary of the State Department of Health and Hospitals, has confirmed this decision, and […]
Read moreNew Orleans: Housing Stock Down 13%
5 years post-Katrina, and several months after the BP oil spill, the city of New Orleans is still in recovery, but still has other problems. One of them is housing. According to the reports the New Orleans metropolitan area has suffered a 13% decrease in available housing since the hurricane five years ago. The survey […]
Read moreLouisiana Insurance Department Targets Health Insurance Scammers
Stories about insurance fraud abound in the auto insurance industry, but investigators in the Louisiana Department of Insurance Fraud Section have now served the American Trade Association, along with its thirteen companion companies and fourteen employees with “cease and desist” orders for selling fraudulently marketed “medical discount plans” as health insurance plans in the state […]
Read moreLA Governor Signs Chinese Drywall Bill
Earlier today, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal signed into law the bill which will prevent insurance companies from dropping coverage of homeowners who have found corrosive Chinese drywall in their homes. The new law, which was sponsored (as a bill) by Senator Julie Quinn of Metairie, will prohibit insurers from canceling or refusing renewals on policies […]
Read moreLouisiana Officials Concerned About Health of BP Clean-Up Workers
Environmental and health officials in Louisiana are requesting that federal safety officials take steps to protect the health of those who are helping with the clean-up of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Alan Levine, Health and Hospitals Secretary, and Peggy Hatch, Environmental Quality Secretary, say that daily reports of illness and […]
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