health care reform
NJ Governor Vetoes Health Exchange
Late last week, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed the legislation that would establish a state-run health insurance exchange, claiming that the federal government didn’t provide the information he needed in order to ensure that the way his state complies with the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is financially sound. Despite this, Governor Christie insists that […]
Read moreColorado Trying to Cut Health Costs
Officials from the state of Colorado say that the Affordable Care Act known colloquially as “Obamacare” has given them the power to block insurance rate hikes. Specifically, the legislation gave Colorado the ability to block rate increase by Cigna, which had asked for a 24% increase.
Read moreJudge Dismisses Mississippi Health Insurance Challenge
Federal District Judge Keith Starrett has ruled that Mississippi governor Phil Bryant, along with other residents of Mississippi, were “premature” in their legal challenge to the section of the affordable care act that requires people to buy health care insurance. He also said that the governor and another of the members of the group suing […]
Read moreMN Governer Continues Working Toward Health Exchange
While many of the (dare we say?) “red” states in the USA are actively working against the new requirements of the Affordable Care Act (aka “ObamaCare”), which the US Supreme Court decided last month WAS constitutional, after all, it’s refreshing to hear about a governor who is embracing the opportunity to improve health care for […]
Read moreNo Health Insurance Exchange in SoDak this Year
South Dakota governor Dennis Daugaard has stated that legislation to establish a health insurance exchange will not be on the table in this year’s session. In a news release, the governor said that conditions were too unstable to recommend creating the kind of exchange stipulated by President Obama’s health care overhaul. That law intended individual […]
Read moreJudge Says Indiana CANNOT Defund Planned Parenthood
Last Friday, June 24th, a federal judge ruled that the state of Indiana may not block state and federal public funding of Planned Parenthood only because the medical organization provides abortions. The ruling also granted Planned Parenthood an injunction on the state’s attempt at defunding. The decision, made by U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt, […]
Read moreIn Brief: AZ Governor Vetoes Health Care Bill
Earlier this week Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona vetoed SB 1592, a bill which directed the Governor to form specific compacts with other states on behalf of Arizona, in order for citizens there to purchase health care insurance across state lines. Her, reason, she wrote in her veto letter, included the fact that directing the […]
Read moreExcerpts From President Obama’s Speech About the Budget
Yesterday, President Obama made a speech about his plan for sensible budget reform. As health care is one of his pet issues, and one we believe is vitally important, we were pleased to hear his views on that subject. What follows are a two numbered excerpts from the speech: 1. “Our approach lowers the government’s […]
Read moreFriday Film Strips: Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood
As you probably know, there’s a threat of a government shutdown if a budget isn’t agreed to by midnight tonight. One of the issues is funding for Planned Parenthood, but it’s NOT about abortion because there are already laws preventing Planned Parenthood from using government funds for such procedures. De-funding Planned Parenthood would remove access […]
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