Motorcycle Insurance Diaries: Finding the Right Policy for Your Bike

December 14, 2017

It’s never a good idea to rush into buying something as important as motorcycle insurance. It requires time and effort to find the right policy for your bike and your money, too.

So, here are tips for getting motorcycle insurance. They are meant to help you go over coverage options for your bike including adds-on and maybe discounts so you can lower your costs.

Are you up for the challenge?

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Choosing Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

In a way, it’s different to insure a bike. There’s a higher risk for theft as the statistics from the National Insurance Crime Bureau would show.

According to the NICB, 46,467 motorcycles were reported stolen in 2016. A silver lining to this increase is the decline in motorcycle thefts the past 10 years (2006 to 2016) to 30%.

You can lock the ignition, install alarm systems and lock your bike in a sturdy pole as measures to ensure your motorcycle is safe and secure.

What about your losses in the unfortunate event that your motorcycle gets stolen or figures in an accident?

Motorcycle insurers generally offer these types of coverage:

    1. Comprehensive covers the cost of replacing the bike due to theft. Collision pays for any damage to your motorcycle after you pay the deductible. You can take out an additional coverage for enhancements made to your bike, e.g. custom parts and accessories.
    2. Liability takes care of claims for damaging property or injuring someone in an accident you caused.
    3. Personal injury coverage takes care of medical bills of people – you, your co-passenger or any other persons – involved in an accident regardless of who caused it. In no-fault states where this coverage is available, a person who claims bodily injuries must meet a certain threshold of injury severity in order to sue for damages.

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Like any insurance plan, there are add-ons to motorcycle policies such as roadside assistance, temporary living expenses, and custom enhancements, as noted above.

Shopping and Comparing Insurance Quotes

Like any financial product out there, finding the best insurance package means shopping and comparing policies. You can start with motorcycle insurance quotes to give you an idea of how much a policy with this or that coverage.

Remember, the final cost of getting motorcycle insurance is a combination of many things including but not limited to:

  1. The motorcycle itself. Its market price and alterations (custom) can affect its insurability costs.
  2. The breadth of the policy’s coverage, taking into account the state’s minimum liability coverage, etc.
  3. The qualification of the applicant (that’s you). Safety record, driving experience, motorcycle skills will be looked into.


You may be entitled to discounts that could lower your insurance costs. It can be as simple as paying your premiums on time to buying a second policy with the same insurer that doesn’t have to be for a motorbike. These discounts can save you 5% to 10%.

Sometimes, it just takes a little googling to get things done including buying insurance for your bike. Don’t miss out on great deals.

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