AIG Repays $6.9 Billion More
It’s been a while since we wrote about AIG, but Reuters is reporting today that American International Group has returned another $6.9 billion of it’s bailout money to the U.S. Treasury, which means that 70% of the original $411 billion under the TARP plan (Troubled Asset Relief Program) has now been recovered.
According to spokespeople for AIG, $6.6 billion of the latest repayment came from selling its shares in the insurance company MetLife – shares that were initially acquired when it sold its international unit Alico to MetLife last year. Another $300 million was leftover from expenses related to the Alico transaction.
After this most recent payment, the U.S. Treasure still retains about $11.3 billion in preferred interests in AIG, as well as roughly 92% of the insurance group’s common stock. If that stock were to be sold at today’s closing price, it would generate almost $14.22 billion.
Spokespeople for the Treasure Department expect that every dollar of AIG’s bailout – which was $182 billion at its highest point – will eventually be recovered.
As of this evening, about 70% of the still-outstanding TARP funds are from AIG, Ally Financial, and General Motors.