health insurance
The Ultimate Guide to the 2019 HSA Contribution Limits
Every year, the IRS announces maximum contribution limits for HSAs. In 2019, you can contribute up to $3,500 for single coverage and $7,000 for family coverage. In order to qualify for an HSA, you must have a deductible of at least $1,350 for single insurance or $2,700 for family insurance. If you are over the […]
Read moreThe Top Alternatives to Long-Term Care Insurance
Preparing for your long-term care needs now can make it easier on your loved ones. Knowing that you have the finances to hire the appropriate care can make it easier to manage your needs as you age. Long-term care insurance covers the necessary assistance to help you with your daily activities such as bathing, eating, […]
Read moreTake These Steps to Apply for Medicare
Enrollment in Medicare isn’t automatic for everyone. Knowing when you should apply and which plans you should consider will help you make the right choices. Health insurance becomes increasingly more important for you as you age, so understanding how Medicare works and how to apply for it is important. [sc_content_link label=”Get today’s insurance rates.” cat=”health”] […]
Read moreDoes Health Insurance Cover Therapy: A Simple (But Complete) Guide
Years ago, it was difficult to find an insurance company that covered mental health issues. Fast forward to today and a majority of insurance plans cover therapy almost as well as they cover physical health issues, thanks to the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act or Mental Health Parity […]
Read moreChoosing the Right Health Insurance When Both Spouses Work
If you and your spouse both work, you may have trouble choosing the right health insurance. Generally, you have three options. You can each have your own policy through your respective employers; you can both join one policy, or you can both join both policies. [sc_content_link label=”Get today’s insurance rates.” cat=”health”] Keep reading to see […]
Read moreWhat to Look for When Buying Health Insurance
Purchasing a health insurance policy requires careful consideration and analysis to ensure the plan meets your needs and budget. With so many different types of policies available from several insurance carriers, it can be difficult to decipher the language used in policy contracts. By understanding the major aspects of health insurance plans, your search for […]
Read moreHow Does the COBRA Insurance Work?
If you have insurance through your employer, you’ve likely heard of COBRA insurance. It stands for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. It allows you to keep the same insurance you had through your employer even if you stop working for that employer. [sc_content_link label=”Get today’s insurance rates.” cat=”life”] Because you are no longer employed with […]
Read moreHow Does a High Deductible Health Insurance Policy Work?
If your employer offers a high deductible health insurance plan, you should know how it works. At some places of employment, it’s the only option as the cost of healthcare is then pushed onto the employee rather than the employer. Some employers offer both options, giving the employee the choice. [sc_content_link label=”Get today’s insurance rates.” […]
Read moreWhat’s the Difference Between In-Network and Out-of-Network Doctors?
If you have medical insurance, you likely hear the terms ‘in-network’ and ‘out-of-network’ doctors. What does this mean? How does it affect you? [sc_content_link label=”Get today’s insurance rates.” cat=”health”] While these terms might seem useless, they are very important to your budget. Your insurance may provide greater coverage if you choose an in-network doctor versus […]
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